About the eFile Service

Version 3.1 by jackb on 2023/11/01 19:55

Aatrix offers a full service W-2/1099 solution that is already available to thousands of users through our partners which allow users to print or eFile their Federal, State (including the state specific reconciliation forms), and Employee copies, which can be printed and mailed by us, as well as posted to a website for employees to access themselves.
Not only do we handle the initial fillings, but we also incorporate reprinting corrections, both replacements and W-2Cs, handling of additional filings, and we have extensive data validation right on the client side. The eFile Center has been able to eliminate 99% of rejections before the user even submits their data.

This new service offers all other benefits of the Aatrix W-2/1099 Solution, but can be used with any payroll software by simply importing a CSV or tab delimited spreadsheet.


The pricing for the Importer may vary on the options selected. For more information, please contact our Sales Department.