Filing Not Posted to Agency Website

Version 3.1 by jackb on 2023/10/31 18:22

The eFile Center, in most cases, does not start submitting the filings to the appropriate agencies until 2 to 3 business days before the due date.

Note: Depending on the states requirements for Bulk Filers, the state may have to transfer data from site to site for you to be able to log onto your account on their site and see the filings status. Please contact the state agency to see how long it takes for the information submitted through a bulk filer to be uploaded onto the state online account.

Related Pages:

Confirmation Email Not Received

What to do if you are not receiving emails from Aatrix.

Agency Notices

Learn about resolving notices through the Aatrix eFile.

Upper Limit Settings, Taxable Wages Included

Learn about limits and taxable wages.

Quarterly Updates

Information regarding when forms expire and need to be updated.

eFiling Properly Received

Read about what happens when a filing is properly received by Aatrix eFile Center.