Getting Started with Web ACA

Last modified by Andrea L on 2024/12/13 18:08

Access the web ACA Preparer

In order to eFile the Affordable Care Act forms online, navigate to and login. Under the Quick Links section, click ACA (1095) Web Preparer.


Choose the company you would like to file for. 

If a company you want to file for is not in the list to select from:

  1. Click Back in your web browser window to be taken back to the Home page.
  2. Click on the Companies tab located on the taskbar.
  3. Click to add a new company on the left hand side. After the new company has been successfully added navigate back to the ACA (1095) Web Preparer.

Choose the Filing Year you would like to file for.

If you need to file for a previous filing year email our support team at with your EIN in the subject line to request we allow you to submit for a previous filing year. You can also call our support line at 701-746-6814 to get approval before you start the process.


Select the type of ACA form your are filing.


Confirm your Company Information.

Most of your company information can be automatically filled in based off of what you have entered on your online account. However, there are other fields that are required to be filled out in order to populate ACA forms.

Related Categories:

Import ACA Data

Learn about importing ACA Data into the ACA Web Preparer.