Wiki source code of W2 Processing »

Version 2.1 by christie w on 2023/02/01 17:37

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christie w 1.1 1 |(((
christie w 2.1 2 [[W-2 Due Dates »>>doc:.W-2 Due Dates .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 3 )))
4 |(((
christie w 2.1 5 [[W-2 Processing and Printing Guide »>>doc:.W-2 Processing and Printing Guide .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 6 )))
7 |(((
christie w 2.1 8 [[Reporting Non-Tax items on W-2's »>>doc:.Reporting Non-Tax items on W-2's .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 9 )))
10 |(((
christie w 2.1 11 [[Reporting Local Taxes on W-2's »>>doc:.Reporting Local Taxes on W-2's .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 12 )))
13 |(((
christie w 2.1 14 [[Printing Alignment on Red SSA W-2 and W-3 forms »>>doc:.Printing Alignment on Red SSA W-2 and W-3 forms .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 15 )))
16 |(((
christie w 2.1 17 [[eFiling your W-2's »>>doc:.eFiling your W-2's .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 18 )))
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christie w 2.1 20 [[W-2 eFile Pricing »>>doc:.W-2 eFile Pricing .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 21 )))
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christie w 2.1 23 [[Reprinting Employee Copies of eFiled W-2's »>>doc:.Reprinting Employee Copies of eFiled W-2's .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 24 )))
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christie w 2.1 26 [[Correcting "Error: State Wages are greater than State Withholding" »>>doc:.Correcting "Error\: State Wages are greater than State Withholding" ».WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 27 )))
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christie w 2.1 29 [[Printing W-2's without "Records Copy" »>>doc:.Printing W-2's without "Records Copy" .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 30 )))
31 |(((
christie w 2.1 32 [[Processing W-2C's »>>doc:.Processing W-2C's .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 33 )))
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christie w 2.1 35 [[Reprinting W-2's »>>doc:.Reprinting W-2's .WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 36 )))