Changes for page W2 Processing »

Last modified by Peytience S on 2023/10/31 17:24

From version 3.1
edited by christie w
on 2023/02/09 21:48
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 4.1
edited by christie w
on 2023/02/13 21:39
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -W2 Processing
1 +W2 Processing »
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1 1  |(((
2 2  [[W-2 Due Dates »>>doc:.W-2 Due Dates .WebHome]]
3 +
4 +Read about important notes about W-2 Due Dates.
5 +
6 +
3 3  )))
4 4  |(((
5 5  [[W-2 Processing and Printing Guide »>>doc:.W-2 Processing and Printing Guide .WebHome]]
10 +
11 +Read our guides in updating, processing, printing your W-2's.
12 +
13 +
6 6  )))
7 7  |(((
8 8  [[Reporting Non-Tax items on W-2's »>>doc:.Reporting Non-Tax items on W-2's .WebHome]]
17 +
18 +Learn about how to report non-tax items on W-2's.
19 +
20 +
9 9  )))
10 10  |(((
11 11  [[Reporting Local Taxes on W-2's »>>doc:.Reporting Local Taxes on W-2's .WebHome]]
24 +
25 +Learn about how to report local taxes on W-2's.
26 +
27 +
12 12  )))
13 13  |(((
14 14  [[Printing Alignment on Red SSA W-2 and W-3 forms »>>doc:.Printing Alignment on Red SSA W-2 and W-3 forms .WebHome]]
31 +
32 +Read our guide on printing alignments for red SSA W-2 and W-3 forms.
33 +
34 +
15 15  )))
16 16  |(((
17 17  [[eFiling your W-2's »>>doc:.eFiling your W-2's .WebHome]]
38 +
39 +Learn how to eFile your W-2's.
40 +
41 +
18 18  )))
19 19  |(((
20 20  [[W-2 eFile Pricing »>>doc:.W-2 eFile Pricing .WebHome]]
45 +
46 +Read more about W-2 eFile pricing for Aatrix Payroll Reports.
47 +
48 +
21 21  )))
22 22  |(((
23 23  [[Reprinting Employee Copies of eFiled W-2's »>>doc:.Reprinting Employee Copies of eFiled W-2's .WebHome]]
52 +
53 +Learn about how you can reprint employee copies of already eFiled W-2's.
54 +
55 +
24 24  )))
25 25  |(((
26 26  [[Correcting "Error: State Wages are greater than State Withholding" »>>doc:.Correcting "Error\: State Wages are greater than State Withholding" ».WebHome]]
59 +
60 +**FAQ:** How do I correct "Error: State Wages are greater than State Withholding" when processing W-2's?
61 +
62 +
27 27  )))
28 28  |(((
29 29  [[Printing W-2's without "Records Copy" »>>doc:.Printing W-2's without "Records Copy" .WebHome]]
66 +
67 +**FAQ:** How do I print the W-2's without "Records Copy" across them?
68 +
69 +
30 30  )))
31 31  |(((
32 32  [[Processing W-2C's »>>doc:.Processing W-2C's .WebHome]]
73 +
74 +**FAQ:** Can I process W-2C's through my payroll program?
75 +
76 +
33 33  )))
34 34  |(((
35 35  [[Reprinting W-2's »>>doc:.Reprinting W-2's .WebHome]]
80 +
81 +**FAQ:** If I print my own and an employee needed a copy of their W-2, can I reprint it?
82 +
83 +
36 36  )))