Wiki source code of System Requirements

Version 3.1 by christie w on 2023/01/12 17:29

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christie w 1.1 1 |(((
christie w 2.1 2 [[Aatrix Payroll and Mac OS 10.15 Catalina>>doc:.Aatrix Payroll and Mac OS 10\.15 Catalina.WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 3 )))|
4 |(((
christie w 3.1 5 [[eFile OS Requirement>>doc:.eFile OS Requirement.WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 6 )))|
7 |(((
christie w 2.1 8 [["OS Not Optimized" Message>>doc:."OS Not Optimized" Message.WebHome]]
christie w 1.1 9 )))|