Changes for page Employee Information »
Last modified by Peytience S on 2023/10/30 19:24
From version 3.1
edited by christie w
on 2023/02/01 16:49
on 2023/02/01 16:49
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To version 5.1
edited by christie w
on 2023/02/17 21:13
on 2023/02/17 21:13
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- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Employee Information 1 +Employee Information » - Content
... ... @@ -1,24 +1,42 @@ 1 + 2 + 1 1 |((( 2 -[[Entering New Employees »>>doc:.Entering New Employees.WebHome]] 4 +==== [[Entering New Employees »>>doc:.Entering New Employees.WebHome]] ==== 5 + 6 +Learn how to enter new employees into Aatrix Top Pay. 3 3 ))) 4 4 |((( 5 -[[Changing Employee Names »>>doc:.Changing Employee Names.WebHome]] 9 +==== [[Changing Employee Names »>>doc:.Changing Employee Names.WebHome]] ==== 10 + 11 +Learn how to rename / change employees names. 6 6 ))) 7 7 |((( 8 -[[Terminating an Employee »>>doc:.Terminating an Employee.WebHome]] 14 +==== [[Terminating an Employee »>>doc:.Terminating an Employee.WebHome]] ==== 15 + 16 +Learn how to change the employee's hiring status when they no longer work for your company. 9 9 ))) 10 10 |((( 11 -[[Creating and Maintaining your own Employee List »>>doc:.Creating and Maintaining your own Employee List.WebHome]] 19 +==== [[Creating and Maintaining your own Employee List »>>doc:.Creating and Maintaining your own Employee List.WebHome]] ==== 20 + 21 +Learn how to create and maintain your employee lists. 12 12 ))) 13 13 |((( 14 -[[Suffixes in Last Names (Jr., Sr., III, etc.) »>>doc:.Suffixes in Last Names (Jr\., Sr\., III, etc\.).WebHome]] 24 +==== [[Suffixes in Last Names (Jr., Sr., III, etc.) »>>doc:.Suffixes in Last Names (Jr\., Sr\., III, etc\.).WebHome]] ==== 25 + 26 +Read on how to include suffixes in employee names. 15 15 ))) 16 16 |((( 17 -[[Tax Filing Status for Employees »>>doc:.Tax Filing Status for Employees.WebHome]] 29 +==== [[Tax Filing Status for Employees »>>doc:.Tax Filing Status for Employees.WebHome]] ==== 30 + 31 +Learn how to assign tax filing status to existing and future employees. 18 18 ))) 19 19 |((( 20 -[[Correcting "Error: -199" »>>doc:.Correcting "Error\: -199".WebHome]] 34 +==== [[Correcting "Error: -199" »>>doc:.Correcting "Error\: -199".WebHome]] ==== 35 + 36 +**FAQ:** How do I correct the error "-199" on an employee? 21 21 ))) 22 22 |((( 23 -[[Correcting "Error: Employees no longer in alphabetical order." »>>doc:.Correcting "Error\: Employees no longer in alphabetical order\.".WebHome]] 39 +==== [[Correcting "Error: Employees no longer in alphabetical order." »>>doc:.Correcting "Error\: Employees no longer in alphabetical order\.".WebHome]] ==== 40 + 41 +**FAQ:** I have updated my computer to Mac OSX High Sierra, 10.13 or to OSX Mojave 10.14 and my employees are no longer in alphabetical order. How do I get them back in alphabetical order? 24 24 )))